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Effects of Teachers' Access to Student Data on Algebra Progress
Project AAIMS Technical Reports
  • Anne Foegen, Iowa State University
  • Jeannette R. Olson, Iowa State University
Publication Date
This studies extended previous research in Project AAIMS by exploring the effects of teachers’ access to student data on students’ rates of growth in algebra. In addition, the study also replicated previous research examining the technical characteristics (reliability and criterion validity of the measures). The present study was conducted during the fall semester of the 2006-07 academic year and included 168 algebra students in Districts A and B. Students completed four algebra progress monitoring measures each month; all of these probes were administered by students’ teachers during class time and scored by Project AAIMS staff. Class periods were matched by class type and assigned to one of two conditions. In the “No Data” condition, teachers (and students) had no access to any of the progress monitoring data until the end of the semester when individual graphs of student performance were shared with both teachers and students. In the “Data” classes, project staff met monthly with teachers to share graphs of individual student data and performance summaries for the class that reported the accuracy of students’ responses to the different question types represented in each probe. Analyses of students’ slopes in each of these conditions revealed no differences between the rates of growth for students in the two conditions. We hypothesize that several factors contributed to this result. First, the use of project staff for scoring created delays in processing the data, so that the data shared during data conferences had often been gathered 3 to 4 weeks prior. In addition, teachers commented that the performance summaries provided useful information about the difficulties students were experiencing. As a result, they offered review and remedial work to all of their classes (including the “No Data” class) to address these concerns. Future studies will employ strategies to increase teachers’ interaction with student data, including scoring student probes and entering student data

Project AAIMS is funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, Grant # H324C030060. Technical Report #15.

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Citation Information
Anne Foegen and Jeannette R. Olson. "Effects of Teachers' Access to Student Data on Algebra Progress" (2007)
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