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About Anna Cabot

Prior to beginning teaching at the Washington College of Law, Professor Cabot was a Senior Staff Attorney at the Center for Gender and Refugee Studies (CGRS).  In that position, she conducted appellate litigation before the US Courts of Appeal and the Board of Immigration Appeals, worked on litigation teams challenging immigration policies in the US District Courts, and represented clients in cases involving sexual assault and violence, gang-based violence, kidnapping by cartels, and domestic violence.  She engaged in policy advocacy and conducted training and webinars on topics such as particular social group analysis, brief and declaration writing, interviewing clients who have suffered trauma, working with experts, immigration remedies for survivors of domestic violence, and LGBT asylum claims. She has also provided technical assistance to lawyers around the country, especially in asylum cases, and trained and supervised staff, law clerks, and interns at CGRS.  Building on her work at CGRS as well as her other experience, Professor Cabot is a contributing author on a book project discussing expert country conditions testimony in fear-of-return immigration claims.

From 2014 to 2018, Professor Cabot was the William Davis Clinical Teaching Fellow at the University of Connecticut School of Law, teaching the Asylum and Human Rights Clinic.  She maintained a joint program between the law school and UConn School of Social Work. She created with psychiatry and psychology interns at UConn Medical School an interdisciplinary training curriculum on evaluating the mental health impacts of persecution and presenting expert testimony about those issues within the legal system.  She also developed an annual spring break trip for law students and social work students to help asylum seekers detained in York County, PA.  In 2017, the Pennsylvania Immigration Resource Center awarded her the Light of Liberty Award for outstanding service to the community recognizing the importance of this initiative.  In 2018, she received the American Immigration Lawyers Association Connecticut Chapter Pro Bono Champion award.

From 2011 to 2014, Professor Cabot was the Managing Attorney as Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center in El Paso, Texas.  She represented clients in a wide variety of immigration claims in immigration court, before the Board of Immigration Appeals, and before the US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS).  In addition to her own representation, she trained and supervised a staff of nine, including attorneys, paralegals, law clerks, and volunteers.

Prior to her work at the border, Professor Cabot was for a year the Legal Services Coordinator at Asylum Access Refugee Solutions in Tanzania and, immediately upon graduation from law school, a Litigation Fellow at the National Prison Project of the ACLU. Prior to law school, she received a Fulbright Scholarship to study at the Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Chennai, India.


Present Practitioner in Residence, Women and the Law Clinic, American University Washington College of Law


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