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About Ann E Williams

Ann Williams (PhD, University of Michigan) is a tenured professor at Georgia State University. Her work in the domains of political communication, digital technologies, and the rise of academic social networking sites appears in an array of national and international venues, including the International Journal of Communication, Communication Research, Communication Quarterly, the Journal of Communication, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, the Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, Journalism Studies, the Newspaper Research Journal, the International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Politics and the Life Sciences, Digital Library Perspectives, Transformative Dialogues, Information and Learning Science, Online Information Review, and Communication Teacher. She serves on the editorial boards for Communication Studies, the Journal of Communication Pedagogy, the International Journal of Crisis Communication, the Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, and the Online Journal of Art and Design.

Williams’ current projects employ information and learning science to evaluate how research reaches public audiences and how academics can make their findings accessible to society-at-large.

Her scholarship has been featured on – the gateway to US science, ERIC ( – the online library of education research and information sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences at the U.S. Department of Education, and Worldwide Science ( – hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Scientific and Technical Information.


Present PhD, University of Michigan, Georgia State University

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Contact Information

Professor Ann E. Williams
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 5060
Atlanta, GA 30302-5060
Phone: 404.413.5792
Fax: 404.413.5634

Articles (35)