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From Cataloging to Metadata: Dublin Core Records for the Library Catalog
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly (2005)
  • Anita S. Coleman, University of Arizona
The Dublin Core is an international standard for describing and cataloging all kinds of information resources: books, articles, videos, and World Wide Web (web) resources. Sixteen Dublin Core (DC) elements and the steps for cataloging web resources using these elements and minimal controlled values are discussed, general guidelines for metadata creation are highlighted, a worksheet is provided to create the DC metadata records for the library catalog, and sample resource descriptions in DC are included.
  • Dublin Core,
  • cataloging,
  • resource description
Publication Date
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Citation Information
Anita S. Coleman. "From Cataloging to Metadata: Dublin Core Records for the Library Catalog" Cataloging & Classification Quarterly Vol. 40 Iss. 3-4 (2005) p. 153 - 181 ISSN: 0163-9374
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