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Scientific Models as Works
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly (2002)
  • Anita S. Coleman, University of Arizona
This paper is about important artifacts of scientific research, namely models. The author proposes that the representations of scientific models be treated as works. Bibliographic families of models may better reflect disciplinary intellectual structures and relationships, thereby providing information retrieval that is reflective of human information seeking and use purposes such as teaching and learning. Two examples of scientific models are presented using the Dublin Core metadata elements.
  • Cataloging,
  • indexing,
  • scientific models,
  • information retrieval,
  • Dublin Core metadata
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
This is the Submitted Manuscript of an article that appeared in Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, volume 33, issue 3-4, 2002. The Version of Record (VOR) may be found at

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Citation Information
Anita S. Coleman. "Scientific Models as Works" Cataloging & Classification Quarterly Vol. 33 Iss. 3-4 (2002) p. 129 - 159 ISSN: 0163-9374
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