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About Alison M. St. Germain

I am currently an instructor for the Dietetic Internship Program of the Department of Food Sciences and Human Nutrition at Iowa State University. I received my BS (1995) and MS (1999) from Iowa State University and became a Registered Dietitian in 1996 and started my career with Mid-Iowa Community Action. I consulted for 15 years with long-term care facilities, personal training studios, and private consultations. I have taught distance courses in the past for ISU and was an Adjunct Instructor for DMACC. I am advocate for body acceptance at all sizes. I have done numerous presentations at middle and high schools promoting a positive body image in our youth. I love being an ISU faculty advisor for BIEDA (Body Image Eating Disorder Awareness) an organization which creates awareness and prevention of eating disorders. I am very passionate about Intuitive Eating and developing a healthy relationship with food, and am a certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. I am active in the Iowa Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics where I am a Media Spokesperson and Chair Elect for the Council on professional issues; also a site reviewer for dietetic Internship programs and undergraduate dietetic programs across the US for the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND)—the accrediting agency for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.


Present Clinician, Iowa State University Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition

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Contact Information

1104 HNSB
706 Morrill Rd
Ames, IA 50011-2101
Phone: 515-294-4203
Fax: 515-294-6193


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