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About Alexis Brooks

Dr. Alexis Brooks de Vita is a Professor of English with a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Her areas of specialization include African/Diaspora and Supernatural Literature and Film (including Horror, Gothic and Science Fiction), Women’s Literature, Literary Criticism, Film Studies, and African/Diaspora mythical comparisons in English, French, Italian, and Spanish.  Dr. Brooks de Vita’s scholarly analyses of literature, film, gaming, slavery, sexism, and race relations in the United States are published in her books The 1855 Murder Case of Missouri versus Celia, an Enslaved Woman and Mythatypes:  Signatures and Signs of African, Diaspora and Black Goddesses as well as in journals and anthologies including The Griot, English Language Notes, The Maroon: Journal of Arts and LettersProverbium, Extrapolation, Lingua Cosmica:  Science Fiction from Around the World, Fourth Wave Feminism in Science Fiction and Fantasy,  Religious Practices and Ideology in the Works of Octavia Butler, Encyclopedia of the African Diaspora, and Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts.  Dr. Brooks de Vita's novels and translation of Dante's Inferno published by Double Dragon include Dante's Inferno:  A Wanderer in Hell as well as Left Hand of the Moon, The Books of Joy TrilogyBurning Streams, Blood of Angels and Chain Dance


Present Professor, Texas Southern University College of Liberal Arts and Behavioral Sciences, Department of English, World Languages, and Philosophy

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