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High-Pressure Effects on Lysosome Integrity and Lysosomal Enzyme Activity in Bovine Muscle
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2000)
  • Stéphanie Jung
  • Marie de Lamballerie-Anton
  • Richard G. Taylor
  • Mohamed Ghoul

This study was conducted to determine whether the application of high hydrostatic pressure could modify the enzymatic activity and membrane integrity of lysosomes in muscle. Several combinations of pressure (0-600 MPa) and time (0-300 s) were applied to two types of samples: purified enzymes (cathepsin D and acid phosphatase) in buffer solution and intact muscle (biceps femoris). The enzymes studied showed varying degrees of susceptibility depending on the level of pressure, holding time, and environment. Acid phosphatase activity was minimally affected by pressure in buffer solution, whereas cathepsin D was modulated significantly by the pressure and time applied. The activities of the enzymes extracted from meat increased with pressure. The cytochemical observations showed the presence of primary and secondary lysosomes in muscles. After pressurization, the membrane integrity of the lysosomes was modified. A correlation could be established between lysosomal enzymatic activities and the lysosome membrane breakdown.

  • High pressure,
  • meat,
  • bovine muscle,
  • lysosome,
  • cathepsin
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
Reprinted with permission from Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 48 (2000): 2467-2471. Copyright 2000 American Chemical Society. One-time permission is granted only for the use specified in your request. No additional uses are granted (such as derivative works or other editions).
Citation Information
Stéphanie Jung, Marie de Lamballerie-Anton, Richard G. Taylor and Mohamed Ghoul. "High-Pressure Effects on Lysosome Integrity and Lysosomal Enzyme Activity in Bovine Muscle" Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Vol. 48 (2000)
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