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Secluded and Proximate Illiterates among Couples: Implications on Health of Women and Children
Economic and Political Weekly (2004)
  • Srijit Mishra, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research
  • Udaya Shankar Mishra

This paper uses NFHS-2 (1998-99) data to explore certain linkages between literacy status of a couple (husband and wife) with outcomes like household standard of living index (SLI) and others having implications on women and child health. An attempt has also been made to link the proximate criterion in literacy in the couple domain with outcome variables such as SLI, instances of sickness among women from specific diseases as asthma, TB, malaria and jaundice; linkages with indicators like under-nutrition in women have also been analysed. The exercise affirms the advantage of proximate illiteracy over the secluded illiterate in terms of outcome measures of women and child health as well as household SLI. On the other hand, while patterns are not distinct in terms of a comparison between proximate female illiterate and proximate male literate, indications point to the latter doing comparatively better.

  • Externality,
  • helath,
  • literacy,
  • standard of living index
Publication Date
February, 2004
Publisher Statement
This is the authors post-peer review, accepted paper published in the 'Economic and Political Weekly'. The link to the journal web page is as follows:
Citation Information
Srijit Mishra and Udaya Shankar Mishra (2004), "Secluded and Proximate Illiterates among Couples: Implications on Health of Women and Children", Economic and Political Weekly, 39(7): 745-749, available at: The link to the journal web page is as follows: