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Gujarat Elections 2002: Vote Shares Across Regions
Economic and Political Weekly (2003)
  • Srijit Mishra, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research

This paper attempts to analyse in each constituency vote shares accruing to the two major parties in the state with the use of triplot or ternary diagram method. A triplot enables a two-dimensional display of three categories of shares or proportions, in this case vote shares, accruing to the BJP, Congress and ‘others’. Triplot diagrams provide a thematic representation of the fact that an increase in vote shares of BJP and to a lesser extent the Congress does have a relationship with the decline of ‘other’ contestants.

  • BJP,
  • Congress,
  • Triplot
Publication Date
May 3, 2003
Publisher Statement
This is the authors post-peer review, accepted paper published in the 'Economic and Political Weekly'. The link to the journal web page is as follows:
Citation Information
Srijit Mishra (2003), "Gujarat Elections 2002: Vote Shares Across Regions", Economic and Political Weekly. 38(18): 1804-1809, available at: The link to the journal web page is as follows: