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A High School Counselor’s Leadership in Providing School-Wide Screenings for Depression and Enhancing Suicide Awareness
Professional School Counseling
  • Anne Erickson
  • Nick R. Abel, Butler University
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The prevalence of mental health issues and suicidal thoughts and actions among school-aged children and adolescents is a serious issue. This article examines the scope of the problem nationwide and provides a brief overview of the literature regarding the effectiveness of school-wide screening programs for depression and suicide risk. The authors describe a suicide prevention program that has been implemented by the first author (a high school counselor in Minnesota) that combines classroom guidance, screening, and referrals for outside mental health services. This article includes recommendations for school counselors interested in implementing a school-wide screening and prevention program.


This article was archived with permission from American School Counselor Association, all rights reserved. Document also available from Professional School Counseling.

Citation Information
Anne Erickson and Nick R. Abel. "A High School Counselor’s Leadership in Providing School-Wide Screenings for Depression and Enhancing Suicide Awareness" Professional School Counseling Vol. 16 Iss. 5 (2013) p. 283 - 289
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