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Trait Emotional Intelligence, Perceived Discrimination, and Academic Achievement among African American and Latina/o High School Students: A Study of Academic Resilience
Scholarship and Professional Work – Education
  • Nick R. Abel, Butler University
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The goal of academic resilience research is to identify factors and processes which lead to academic success among groups of students generally found to be at-risk, including those of African American and Latina/o descent. The present study investigated a possible risk factor (perceptions of discrimination), a possible protective factor (emotional intelligence), and the role of gender in predicting academic achievement (as measured by high school GPA) in a sample (N = 79) of African American and Latina/o high school students attending one high school in Minnesota. Through the use of multiple regression, neither emotional intelligence nor perceptions of discrimination was found to be a statistically significant predictor of GPA among the entire sample, although when each gender was considered separately, a significant model for predicting GPA among males did emerge. In addition to these findings and a subsequent discussion, the literature related to academic resilience and the independent variables is presented within, along with implications for educators and recommendations for future research.


This is an electronic copy of a Doctoral Dissertation. Archived with permission. The author reserves all rights.

Citation Information
Nick R. Abel. "Trait Emotional Intelligence, Perceived Discrimination, and Academic Achievement among African American and Latina/o High School Students: A Study of Academic Resilience" (2013) p. i - 132
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