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Copyrightable Subject Matter, Infringement and Remedies
High Tech Law Institute Events
  • Tomas Gomez-Arostegui, Lewis and Clark Law School
  • Howard Abrams, University of Detroit Mercy School of Law
  • Michael Carroll, Villanova University School of Law
  • Jessica Litman, University of Michigan School of Law
  • Pamela Samuelson, University of California Berkeley School of Law
Start Date
30-4-2009 9:15 AM
End Date
30-4-2009 10:30 AM

This panel will discuss the expansion of copyrightable subject matter to include new media such as movies and sound recordings, the standards for determing infringement under the 1909 Act, and the remedies provided for such infringement, including statutory damages and attorneys fees.

Citation Information
Tomas Gomez-Arostegui, Howard Abrams, Michael Carroll, Jessica Litman, et al.. "Copyrightable Subject Matter, Infringement and Remedies" (2009)
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