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About Melanie L. Chang

Dr. Chang completed a dual PhD in physical anthropology and ecology/evolutionary biology at the University of Pennsylvania in 2005, and a postdoctoral fellowship in behavioral genetics at UCSF in 2008. Her primary interests include the systematics and phylogeny of Middle Pleistocene Homo, particularly the origins and evolution of Neandertals and modern humans. She has conducted fieldwork in paleoanthropology and Paleolithic archaeology in western Europe, north Africa, and the Middle East, and is currently the principal human paleontologist for the Druze Marsh Paleolithic Project, North Azraq, Jordan. Dr. Chang is also interested in reflexive examinations of paleoanthropological practice, scientific writing, and intersections between scientific and public discourses, especially in the context of evolutionary studies.


Present Adjunct Professor, Portland State University Anthropology


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