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It's dress-up time!; Fall fashion is a stroll down memory lane:New York designers showcase oversized clothing, fur stoles, flat shoes - you'll feel young again.
Indianapolis Star (1998)
  • Loni McKown, Butler University

We'd surreptitiously sneak through Mother's bureau drawers for silk hose and white kidskin gloves and sparkling costume jewelry or through Daddy's dresser for crisply ironed white handkerchiefs and shiny cufflinks and a Twist-O-Flex metal-band watch. Fur trim Another trend from days gone by, fur trim on collars and cuffs of coats and on jackets, on hems of dresses and skirts, and very chic trimming cashmere sweater sets.

Publication Date
May 17, 1998
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Citation Information
Loni McKown. "It's dress-up time!; Fall fashion is a stroll down memory lane:New York designers showcase oversized clothing, fur stoles, flat shoes - you'll feel young again." Indianapolis Star (1998)
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