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Jack London’s ‘The Unparalleled Invasion’: Germ Warfare, Eugenics, and Cultural Hygiene
American Literary Realism (2002)
  • John Swift, Occidental College

This essay examines Jack London’s 1910 short story “The Unparalleled Invasion” as a fantasy of racist nationalism (borrowing from his earlier “Yellow Peril” report from the Russo-Japanese War). London, like other American progressives of the early 20th century, looked to the emerging science of genetics and its implications for eugenicist technologies, finding both a frightening futuristic vision of race war fought by reproduction and a modestly consoling “scientific” defense of white supremacy.

Publication Date
Fall 2002
Citation Information
John Swift. "Jack London’s ‘The Unparalleled Invasion’: Germ Warfare, Eugenics, and Cultural Hygiene" American Literary Realism Vol. 35 Iss. 1 (2002)
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