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Instruction, Cognitive Scaffolding, and Motivational Scaffolding in Writing Center Tutoring
Composition Studies (2014)
  • Jo Mackiewicz, Auburn University
  • Isabelle Thompson, Auburn University

In this study, we quantitatively analyze the discourse of experienced writing center tutors in 10 highly satisfactory conferences. Specifically, we analyze tutors’ instruction, cognitive scaffolding, and motivational scaffolding, all tutoring strategies identified in prior research from other disciplines as educationally effective. We find that tutors used the instructional strategies of telling and suggesting, the cognitive scaffolding strategy of pumping, and the motivational scaffolding strategy of showing concern most frequently. We argue that the interdisciplinary analytical framework that we developed and describe in this article can facilitate further analysis of tutors’ talk and thus help move research beyond the local level of the individual writing center. Finally, we point to some ways that our findings can inform tutor training.

Publication Date
Publisher Statement
This is an article from Composition Studies 42 (2014): 54. Posted with permission.
Citation Information
Jo Mackiewicz and Isabelle Thompson. "Instruction, Cognitive Scaffolding, and Motivational Scaffolding in Writing Center Tutoring" Composition Studies Vol. 42 Iss. 1 (2014)
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