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About Jo Mackiewicz

I’ve always been interested in the process of writing and the ways that people talk about writing. So, I ended up studying writing center conferences and editor-writer sessions. I also became a practicing editor, and I am a better teacher for it I think. I have started on a new book, tentatively titled Writing Talk across Time. It reports longitudinal study (corpus-driven and discourse analysis) of the talk in a writing center at two times: 2001 and 2017. I’m finishing up an article (with Isabelle Thompson) of what I call “spoken written-language” (SWL)—the intermediary language that writing center tutors and student writers produce as they formulate discourse intended for possible use in student writers’ papers.


Present Associate Professor, Iowa State University Department of English

Curriculum Vitae

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Contact Information

413 Ross
527 Farm House Ln
Ames, IA 50011-1054


Peer-Reviewed Articles (11)