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Geographic Variation in the Implementation of Public Health Services: Organizational, Economic, and Network Determinants
Washington, DC (2015)
  • Glen P. Mays, University of Kentucky
An expanding body of research-tested public health interventions exist to prevent disease and injury and promote health on a population-wide basis, such as those profiled in the CDC’s Guide to Community Prevention Services, but adoption and implementation of these strategies vary widely across states and communities. Public health services are delivered through diffuse constellations of governmental agencies and their private-sector and community-based counterparts using implementation mechanisms that are poorly understood. The studies in this panel examine how organizational, economic, and inter-organizational network characteristics influence the implementation of public health services across states and communities.
  • NIH Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health Conference
Publication Date
Winter December 15, 2015
Citation Information
Glen P. Mays. "Geographic Variation in the Implementation of Public Health Services: Organizational, Economic, and Network Determinants" Washington, DC (2015)
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