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A new research impact measuring system
Research Support Unit, Centre for Research Services (2015)
  • Nader Ale Ebrahim
For years, scientists have been trying to measure the quality of scholarly work by the number of times an article is cited in other articles or the impact factor of the journal which published an article. However, citation is a lagging indicator and journal impact factor may be misleading since a Journal's citation count is usually caused by a small number of articles in that journal. With the rise of the web as the archiving and emerging interaction platform, there is a need for new ways to measure articles and books impact. Altmetrics attempts to use the online activity to measure impact, buzz, word of mouth for scientific information and it includes new ways to measure usage at the citation level. In this workshop, I will explain about application of altmetrics tools such as:,,, and PLoS metrics.
  • H-index,
  • Improve citations,
  • Research tools,
  • Bibliometrics,
  • University ranking,
  • Research impact,
  • Altmetric
Publication Date
Fall October 21, 2015
Citation Information
Nader Ale Ebrahim. "A new research impact measuring system" Research Support Unit, Centre for Research Services. Research Support Unit, Centre for Research Services, Institute of Research Management and Monitoring (IPPP)”, University of Malaya, Malaysia. Oct. 2015. Available at: