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Basques in California Exhibit
  • Ziortza Gandarias Beldarrain, Boise State University
  • Nere Lete, Boise State University
Assistant professor Ziortza Gandarias and professor Nere Lete from Basque studies in the Department of World Languages assisted the Basque Museum and Cultural Center to edit a series of panels in English, Basque and Spanish, which will be part of the new exhibit titled, “Basques in California.”

Lete narrated a trilingual video that will be used as an introduction to the exhibit.

The exhibit will first appear at the Euskal Museoa/Museo Vasco in Bilbao, Spain, and then will travel to other locations in the Basque Country. The exhibit is planned for display in three additional venues in California during spring 2019, and will then be installed at the Basque Museum in Boise beginning in July 2020, in anticipation of the Jaialdi 2020 International Basque Festival.
Publication Date
Citation Information
Ziortza Gandarias Beldarrain and Nere Lete. "Basques in California Exhibit" (2019)
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