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「齡活大使」訓練手冊(更新版) (Age-friendly City Ambassadors Training Manual (Updated Version))
Age-friendly City Ambassadors Training (2021)
  • Zhuoyi WEN, Lingnan University

This Manual summarises the experience of the four university partners of Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project  on training Age-friendly City (“AFC”) ambassadors in the community, aiming to enlighten the future development of training and engagement of AFC ambassadors.

  • age-friendly city,
  • volunteer training,
  • strengths perspective,
  • participation,
  • empowerment
Publication Date
Winter December, 2021
Citation Information
Zhuoyi WEN. "「齡活大使」訓練手冊(更新版) (Age-friendly City Ambassadors Training Manual (Updated Version))" Age-friendly City Ambassadors Training (2021)
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