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专项资金与农村义务教育 : 政策工具的视角
深圳大学学报 (人文社会科学版)
  • Kinglun NGOK, Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan
  • Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN, Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan
Alternative Title
Earmarked fund and rural compulsory education : a policy instrument perspective
Document Type
Journal article
Publication Date
  • 公共政策,
  • 专项资金,
  • 财政型政策,
  • 农村义务教育,
  • Public Policy,
  • Earmarked Fund,
  • Treasure-Based Policy Instruments,
  • Rural Compulsory Education


The enforcement of public policies is, in reality, a process of choosing policy instruments. Different choices of policy instruments may exercise different impacts on the achievement of the policy targets. The policy instrument based on the governmental financial resources is an administrative resource the government can employ. Take the earmarked fund for rural compulsory education as an example. Examining the use of the financial funds from the perspective of policy instruments and analysing the role played by the treasure-based policy instrument in the implementation of China’s rural compulsory education and the corresponding problems existing in the process may provide a new perspective for considering the development of this rural education.

Funding Information
基金项目: 中山大学二期985工程公共管理与社会发展创新基地专项基金项目
Publisher Statement
Copyright © 深圳大学 2008
Chinese (Simplified)
Citation Information
岳经纶、温卓毅 (2008)。专项资金与农村义务教育 : 政策工具的视角 = Earmarked fund and rural compulsory education: A policy instrument perspective。《深圳大学学报 (人文社会科学版) = Journal of Shenzhen University (Humanities & Social Sciences)》,25(4),86-90。