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Skew Hadamard difference sets and pseudo-Paley graphs
Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar, Ohio University (2009)
  • Zeying Wang, Michigan Technological University
A difference set D in a group G is called a skew Hadamard difference set (in short SHDS) if G is the disjoint union of D, the set of inverses of D, and the identity element. We construct a new family of skew Hadamard difference sets in the additive group of F_{3^{2h+1}}, by using a class of permutation polynomials of F_{3^{2h+1}} obtained from the Ree-Tits slice symplectic spreads in the three-dimensional projective space over F_{ 3^{2h+1}}. Our new construction and the Ding-Yuan construction provide the only known ``non-classical'' examples of SHDS.

Also we generalize the recent Ding-Yuan construction of SHDS by using planar functions. This generalization also gives rise to new constructions of strongly regular graphs.
Publication Date
January 12, 2009
Citation Information
Zeying Wang. "Skew Hadamard difference sets and pseudo-Paley graphs" Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar, Ohio University (2009)
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