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New Radiocarbon Dates from East Texas Caddo Sites
Index of Texas Archaeology: Open Access Gray Literature from the Lone Star State
  • Timothy K. Perttula, Heritage Research Center, Stephen F. Austin State University
  • Robert Z. Selden, Jr., Heritage Research Center, Stephen F. Austin State University
Journal of Northeast Texas Archeology
Publication Date

In this article, we report the results of AMS dating of organic remains from ancestral East Texas Caddo sites in Gregg and Harrison counties. These sites are the Wade site (GC-38), a Middle Caddo period habitation in the mid-Sabine River basin, as well as from vessels (in the Gregg County Historical Museum) placed in Caddo burials at the Susie Slade (41HS13), Hyte, Eli Fields, J. O. and Henry Brown (41HS261), and the Patton (41HS825) sites in the Big Cypress and mid-Sabine River basins, and a vessel from an unknown site in the Big Cypress Creek basin.

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Citation Information
Timothy K. Perttula and Robert Z. Selden. "New Radiocarbon Dates from East Texas Caddo Sites" (2014)
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