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3D Scan Data for Selected Artifacts from Blackwater Draw National Historic Landmark (LA3324), New Mexico, USA
CRHR: Archaeology
  • Robert Z. Selden, Jr., Center for Regional Heritage Research, Stephen F. Austin State University
  • George T. Crawford, Blackwater Draw National Historic Landmark, Eastern New Mexico University
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Between February 8-11, 2016, selected artifacts from the Blackwater Draw National Historic Landmark (LA3324) were scanned in advance of a grant proposal to digitally aggregate the Clovis-era artifacts from the Clovis type site. These data were collected using a NextEngineHD running ScanStudioHD Pro, and were post-processed in Geomagic Design X 2016.0.1. All data associated with this project have been made publicly available (open access) and are accessible in Zenodo under a Creative Commons Attribution license, where they can be downloaded for use in additional projects and learning activities. These data have the capacity to augment a variety of research designs spanning the digital humanities, applications of geometric morphometrics, and many others. Additionally, these scans will augment a wide range of comparative research topics throughout the Americas and beyond. Reuse potential for these data is significant.

Citation Information
Robert Z. Selden and George T. Crawford. "3D Scan Data for Selected Artifacts from Blackwater Draw National Historic Landmark (LA3324), New Mexico, USA" (2016)
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