Strong Equivalence and Program's Structure in Arguing Essential Equivalence between First-Order Logic Programs
Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (PADL)
Answer set programming is a prominent declarative programming paradigm used in formulating combinatorial search problems and implementing distinct knowledge representation formalisms. It is common that several related and yet substantially different answer set programs exist for a given problem. Sometimes these encodings may display significantly different performance. Uncovering precise formal links between these programs is often important and yet far from trivial. This paper claims the correctness of a number of interesting program rewritings. Notably, they assume programs with variables and such important language features as choice, disjunction, and aggregates. We showcase the utility of some considered rewritings by using them to argue that two different answer set programming formalizations of a planning module (for dynamic system descriptions expressed in action language AL) are essentially the same. In addition, our findings provide the theoretical basis for possible future implementations of tools for program rewritings, which is essential in a quest for automatic performance tuning.
- answer set programming
Publication Date
January, 2019
Citation Information
Yuliya Lierler. "Strong Equivalence and Program's Structure in Arguing Essential Equivalence between First-Order Logic Programs" Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (PADL) (2019) Available at: