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How to Make Using Two-Way Mechanisms Routine: Testing a Preliminary Model
Public Performance & Management Review (2018)
  • Yuguo Liao
Consistent or continuous use of two-way engagement mechanisms is key to effective citizen participation. This article examines how to make the municipal manager’s use of two-way engagement mechanisms more consistent when they prepare local budgets. To test the model, self-administered mail surveys were compiled from two American states—New Jersey and Pennsylvania. The findings address the role of individual intentionality. The municipal manager’s attitudinal willingness, his perceived ease or difficulty, the trust she receives from elected officials, and the capacity to coordinate effectively are significantly related to his consistent use of two-way engagement mechanisms. However, district representatives and pressures channeled through media scrutiny are not able to compel a municipal manager to routine use of such mechanisms.
Publication Date
April 26, 2018
Citation Information
Yuguo Liao. "How to Make Using Two-Way Mechanisms Routine: Testing a Preliminary Model" Public Performance & Management Review (2018) p. 1 - 25
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