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How to Foster Citizen Reblogging of a Government Microblog: Evidence From Local Government Publicity Microblogs in China
International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age (2018)
  • Yuguo Liao, University of Missouri–St. Louis
This article examines the strategies used to foster citizens' interaction with government microblogs. While government agencies are urged to adopt social media, little is known about how citizens respond to those efforts. Using data collected from the publicity microblogs of prefecture-level municipalities in China, this article indicates that government microblogs can foster citizen-initiated interaction by acquiring microblog influencers as followers, diversifying the sources of government posts and posting more multimedia content. However, regularly updating a government microblog is not necessarily associated with citizen participation.

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Citation Information
Yuguo Liao. "How to Foster Citizen Reblogging of a Government Microblog: Evidence From Local Government Publicity Microblogs in China" International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age Vol. 5 Iss. 3 (2018) p. 1 - 15
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