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CoFeel: Using Emotions for Social Interaction in Group Recommender Systems
First International Workshop on Interfaces for Recommender Systems with 6th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (2012)
  • Yu Chen, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne
  • Pearl Pu, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne
Group and social recommender systems aim to suggest items of interest to a group or a community of people. One important issue in such environment is to understand each individual’s preference and attitude within the group. Social and behavioral scientist have evidenced the role of emotions in group work and social communication. This paper aims to examine the role of emotion for social interaction in group recommenders. We implemented CoFeel, an interface that aims to provide emotional input in group recommenders. We further apply CoFeel in a GroupFun, a mobile group music recommender system. Results of an in-depth field study show that by exchanging feelings with other users, CoFeel motivates users to provide feedback on recommended items in a natural and enjoyable way. Results also show that emotions do serve as an effective and promising element to elicitate users’ attitudes, and that they do have the potential to increase user engagement in a group. Based on suggestions collected from users, we propose other potential recommendation domains of CoFeel.
  • Group and Social Recommender Systems,
  • Interface Design,
  • Mobile Interface,
  • Affective Interface,
  • Emotional Feedback
Publication Date
September, 2012
Dublin, Ireland
This article was published by Bernd Ludwig, Francesco Ricci, Zerrin Yumak, Nava Tintarev, Rong Hu, and Pearl Pu; and appeared in Part II: First International Workshop on Interfaces for Recommender Systems (InterfaceRS 2012) from "Proceedings: First International Workshop on Recommendation Technologies for Lifestyle Change (LIFESTYLE 2012) and First International Workshop on Interfaces for Recommender Systems (InterfaceRS 2012) co-located with the 6th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2012)," 2012 September 13. Copyright of the article is held by the owner/author(s).
Citation Information
Yu Chen and Pearl Pu. "CoFeel: Using Emotions for Social Interaction in Group Recommender Systems" First International Workshop on Interfaces for Recommender Systems with 6th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (2012)
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