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About Youngkyun Baek

Dr. Young Baek holds two doctoral degrees, a Ph.D. from Korea University in Educational Sociology, and a Ph.D. from Georgia State University in Educational Foundations, both with an emphasis on computers in education. He has worked and taught both in the United States, Korea, and Canada, and joined the faculty of Boise State University in 2009.
Dr. Baek's research interests include instruction design in Second Life, and all aspects of teaching and learning in virtual worlds, including educational games, simulations, and mobile devices in education. He has written and presented extensively, sharing his knowledge internationally.


2009 - Present Professor, Department of Educational Technology, Boise State University

Curriculum Vitae


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Honors and Awards

  • AECT ECT Foundation, Robert E. deKieffer International Fellowship Award, Oct. 2010
  • Korean Representative to OECD Expert Meeting on Videogames and Education at Santiago de Chile, Chile, October 2007
  • 2024 - Fulbright scholarship, U.S. Fulbright Program

Contact Information


Books (5)

Contributions to Books (4)

Conference Proceedings (3)