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A Model for School Professionals Working with Grandparent-Headed Families
Social Work (2017)
  • Youjung Lee, Binghamton University--SUNY
Grandparent-headed families have multifaceted needs and complicated family contexts. These nontraditional families frequently have strained relationships with their grandchildren's school systems, but there are scarce models providing effective strategies for working with them. The author used multidisciplinary theoretical literature and research outcomes to propose a model for working with grandparent-headed families in schools. First, unique needs, risk factors, and school barriers these grandparent-headed families experience are put forward. In addition, school professionals’ needs for practice guidelines for their work with grandparent-headed families are described. A model for working with grandparent-headed families is proposed, built on four theories: symbolic interactionism, attachment theory, role theory, and the strengths-based approach. Implications for teaching, practice, and programming for grandparent-headed families in schools are presented.
  • attachment theory,
  • family engagement,
  • grandparent-headed families,
  • school mental health,
  • trauma-informed practice
Publication Date
February 6, 2017
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Citation Information
Youjung Lee; A Model for School Professionals Working with Grandparent-Headed Families. Soc Work 2017 1-8. doi: 10.1093/sw/swx007