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About Yoonsung Jung

Yoonsung Jung, Ph.D. in Statistics, is the Statistician of the Cooperative Agricultural Research Center at College of Agriculture and Human Sciences. He is currently a member of the Social System & Allied Research System. He is collaborating with the other research scientists and faculty members at College of Agriculture and Human Sciences. He supports research methods for design, sampling, data collection tool development, database building, and data analysis for quantitative, qualitative, and text data. He is also interested in Big Data Data Mining and Machine Learning (ML).  


Present Research Scientist/Statistician, Prairie View A&M University College of Agriculture & Human Sciences

Curriculum Vitae


2018 - 2022 CC* Network Design: Improve Network on Campus for Research and Education in Agriculture, Science, and Engineering at Prairie View A&M University
CC* grant
Role: Co-PI
Colleague(s): Suxia Cui, Yoonsung Jung, Shumon Alam, Hua-Jun Fan, Seungchan Kim
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Professional Service and Affiliations

Present Journal Reviewer, Agronomy Journal
Present Journal Reviewer, Applied Sciences
Present Journal Reviewer, Cluster Computing (CLUS)
Present Journal Reviewer, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (CSDA)
Present Journal Reviewer, Journal of Applied Statistics
Present Journal Reviewer, Journal of Biotech Research (JBR)
Present Journal Reviewer, Journal of Data Science
Present Journal Reviewer, Journal of Demographic Economics (JODE)
Present Journal Reviewer, Journal of Demographic Economics (JODE)
Present Journal Reviewer, Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice (JSTP)
Present Journal Reviewer, The Journal of Supercomputing (SUPE)
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  • MGMT 5311 Business Statistics
  • MGMT 3301 Business Statistics


August 2003 - August 2009 Ph.D., Kansas State University ‐ University
August 2000 - May 2003 M.S., Texas A&M University ‐ University
March 1997 - February 1999 M.S., Korea University - Korea ‐ University
March 1991 - February 1995 B.S., Seowon University ‐ University

Contact Information

Yoonsung Jung
Ph.D. in Statistics
Cooperative Agricultural Research Center
College of Agriculture and Human Sciences
Prairie View A&M University
AGRL Room 112
620 E.E. O’Banion St.
Prairie View, Texas 77446
 (o) 936-261-5076, (f) 936-261-9975

Journal Publication (3)

Recent Works (21)