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Noise and Diversity in the Biometric Data
Digital Silence #2
  • Yoon Chung Han, San Jose State University
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Everyone has different biometric data in their body. Unique biometric data can be understood and analyzed by a variety of technologies. However, as there are many different people in this world, data can be varied and unpredictable noise data can also be found. Can this unpredictable noise be treated as an exception? Recognizing that noise itself is a key part of biometric data, it will be necessary to approach the data in a new way. The three biometric data artworks, , and , each use different biometric data (fingerprints, iris, veins) to present a new way of visualizing and auralizing biometric data. Through this work, we will be able to discuss the auralization of noise that can be found in biological data, the experience of unpredictable noise, the meaning of filtering, and suitable sonificiatic methodologies. In particular, we plan to analyze and show examples of unusual noise sounds and images we have encountered through past exhibitions.

Citation Information
Yoon Chung Han. "Noise and Diversity in the Biometric Data" Digital Silence #2 (2020)
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