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Analysis of the Frequency and Severity of Rear-End Crashes in Work Zones
Traffic Injury Prevention
  • Yi Qi, Texas Southern University
  • Raghavan Srinivasan, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Hualiang (Harry) Teng, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • Robert Baker, City College of New York
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Publication Date


The objective of this study was to identify the factors that influence the frequency and severity of rear-end crashes in work zones because rear-end crashes represent a significant proportion of crashes that occur in work zones.


Truncated count data models were developed to identify influencing factors on the frequency of rear-end crashes in work zones and ordered probit models were developed to evaluate influencing factors on the severity of rear-end crashes in work zones.


Most of the variables identified in this study for these 2 models were significant at the 95 percent level. The statistics for models indicate that the 2 developed models are appropriate compared to alternative models.


Major findings related to the frequency of rear-end crashes include the following: (1) work zones for capacity and pavement improvements have the highest frequency compared to other types of work zones; (2) work zones controlled by flaggers are associated with more rear-end crashes compared to those controlled by arrow boards; and (3) work zones with alternating one-way traffic tended to have more rear-end crashes compared to those with lane shifts. Major findings related to the severity of the rear-end crashes include the following: (1) rear-end crashes associated with alcohol, night, pedestrians, and roadway defects are more severe, and those associated with careless backing, stalled vehicles, slippery roadways, and misunderstanding flagging signals are less severe; (2) truck involvement and a large number of vehicles in a crash are both associated with increased severity, and (3) rear-end crashes that happened in work zones for bridge, capacity, and pavement are likely to be more severe than others.

  • Accidents,
  • traffic/Statistics & numerical data,
  • Automobiles,
  • Environment design/Statistics & numerical data,
  • Humans,
  • Men,
  • Models,
  • statistical,
  • Regression analysis,
  • Risk assessment,
  • Risk factors,
  • Road work zones,
  • Traffic accidents,
  • Women,
  • Workplace
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Citation Information
Yi Qi, Raghavan Srinivasan, Hualiang (Harry) Teng and Robert Baker. "Analysis of the Frequency and Severity of Rear-End Crashes in Work Zones" Traffic Injury Prevention Vol. 14 Iss. 1 (2013) p. 61 - 72
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