A host-parasite model is proposed that incorporates a nonlinear incidence rate. Under the influence of multiple infectious attacks, the model admits bistable regions such that the infection dies out if initial states lie in one region, and the population and parasites coexist if initial states lie in the other region. It is also found that parasites can drive the population to extinction for suitable parameters. It is verified that the model has a saddle-node bifurcation, Hopf bifurcations and a cusp of codimension 2 or higher codimension. Stable limit cycles and unstable limit cycles are examined as the infection-reduced reproduction rate varies. It is shown that the model goes through the change of stages of infection extinction, infection persistence, infection extinction, and the extinction of both parasites and the population as the contact coefficient increases.
Available at: http://works.bepress.com/yi_li/53/