About Yi Li
Dr. Li came to John Jay College of Criminal Justice from California State University, Northridge in 2018, where he had served as the Provost and VP for Academic Affairs from 2015-2018. He was the Dean of College of Science and Mathematics, Wright State University from 2011-2015. He was the mathematics department chair 2007-2011 at the University of Iowa (UI). Prior to this, after earning a PhD in 1988, he spent two years as a L.E. Dickson Instructor at the University of Chicago. Following this, he taught and was tenured at the University of Rochester in Rochester, N.Y. before going to UI in 1996. Before serving as department chair at UI, Li served as the UI director of the Applied Mathematical and Computational Sciences program, associate chair/director of Graduate Studies and acting director of Undergraduate Studies.
Dr. Li studies nonlinear problems and their applications in physics, geometry, and biomedical research. He has worked on new ways to study the conformal scalar curvature equations in differential geometry and Matukuma's equation in astrophysics. While working on bio luminescence tomography, Li with G. Wang invented the computational optical biopsy modality. Li has also worked in the area of traveling fronts, a fundamental problem related in population dynamics, genetics, and flame propagation. In particular, he solved an open problem left by Berestycki and Nirenberg on the uniqueness and asymptotic behavior of such solutions for a semi-degenerated nonlinearity. He and his co-authors also settled another long-standing open problem on the stability of marginal speed traveling fronts for this semi-degenerated nonlinearity. His work has been published in more than 80 peer-reviewed publications, and supported by NSF and NIH.
2011 - 2015 | Former Faculty Member, Wright State University ‐ College of Science and Mathematics | |
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