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Microelectronics Process Engineering at San Jose State University: A Manufacturing-Oriented Interdisciplinary Degree Program
International Journal of Engineering Education (2002)
  • Emily Allen, San Jose State University
  • Stacy Gleixner, San Jose State University
  • David W Parent, San Jose State University
  • Greg Young, San Jose State University
  • Yasser Dessouky, San Jose State University
  • Linda Vanasupa, San Jose State University
San Jose State University's new interdisciplinary curriculum in Microelectronics Process Engineering is described. This baccalaureate program emphasizes hands-on thin-film fabrication experience, manufacturing methods such as statistical process control, and fundamentals of materials science and semiconductor device physics. Each course of the core laboratory sequence integrates fabrication knowledge with process engineering and manufacturing methods. The curriculum development process relies on clearly defined and detailed program and course learning objectives. We also briefly discuss our strategy of making process engineering experiences accessible for all engineering students through both Lab Module and Statistics Module series.
Publication Date
March, 2002
Publisher Statement
Copyright © 2002 TEMPUS Publications.
Citation Information
Emily Allen, Stacy Gleixner, David W Parent, Greg Young, et al.. "Microelectronics Process Engineering at San Jose State University: A Manufacturing-Oriented Interdisciplinary Degree Program" International Journal of Engineering Education Vol. 18 Iss. 5 (2002)
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