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Liposomal Glyco-Microarray for Studying Glycolipid–Protein Interactions
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
  • Yong Ma, Liaoning Shihua University
  • Irena Sobkiv, Cleveland State University
  • Valentinas Gruzdys, Cleveland State University
  • Hailong Zhang, Cleveland State University
  • Xue-Long Sun, Cleveland State University
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A microarray enables high-throughput interaction screening of numerous biomolecules; however, fabrication of a microarray composed of cellular membrane components has proven difficult. We report fabrication of a liposomal glyco-microarray by using an azide-reactive liposome that carries synthetic and natural glycolipids via chemically selective and biocompatible liposome immobilization chemistry. Briefly, liposomes carrying anchor lipid dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DPPE)–PEG2000–triphenylphosphine and ganglioside (GM1 or GM3) were prepared first and were then printed onto an azide-modified glass slide so as to afford a liposomal glyco-microarray via Staudinger ligation. Fluorescent dye release kinetics and fluorescence imaging confirmed successful liposome immobilization and specific protein binding to the intact arrayed glycoliposomes. The liposomal glyco-microarray with different gangliosides showed their specific lectin and toxin binding with different binding affinity. The azide-reactive liposome provides a facile strategy for fabrication of either a natural or a synthetic glycolipid-based membrane-mimetic glycoarray. This liposomal glyco-microarray is simple and broadly applicable and thus will find important biomedical applications, such as studying glycolipid–protein interactions and toxin screening applications.


This work was partially supported by a grant from NIH (5R01HL102604-03), the Ohio Research Scholar Program, and a National Science Foundation MRI grant (CHE-1126384).

Citation Information
Ma, Y.; Sobkiv, I.; Gruzdys, V.; Zhang, H.; Sun, X. Liposomal glyco-microarray for studying glycolipid–protein interactions. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2012, 404, 51-58.