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About Xiaosong Du


Present Assistant Professor, Missouri University of Science and Technology Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

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Honors and Awards

  • Guest Editor of the Special Issue for Processes Journal 2023
  • Guest Editor of the Special Issue for Mathematics Journal 2022
  • Editorial Board for Journal of Innovation Sciences and Sustainable Technologies 2022
  • Research Investigator at Intelligent Systems Center 2022
  • Research Investigator at Center f or Biomedical Research 2022
  • NASA Missouri Space Grant Consortium’s Graduate Research Fellowship 2022
  • Faculty Evaluator of MAE Department Undergraduate Research Fellowship 2022
  • Representative of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion of UMich Aerospace 2021
  • Best Paper Award for ASME J ournal of Nondestructive Evaluation 2019
  • Iowa State University Research Excellence Award 2019
  • Technical Advisor of Boeing supported M:2:I Mul ti Mission Innovative Drone 2019
  • Volunteer of State Science and Technology Fair of Iowa 2019
  • Robert Bruce Thompson Fellowship of Iowa State University 2017 Volunteer of
  • Volunteer of the BUAA 60 th Anniversary 2012


2019 Ph.D., Iowa State University

Research Works (33)