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About Xiaodan Liang

Dr. Xiaodan Liang is a Visiting Associate Professor in the Computer Vision Department at Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI).


Dr. Liang joins the MBZUAI from Sun Yat-sen University where she is an Associate Professor at the School of Intelligent Systems Engineering. Previously, she was a project scientist at Carnegie Mellon University, working with Professor Eric Xing.

Dr. Liang’s research is focused on developing interpretable and explainable neural-symbolic reasoning techniques for boosting vision and cross-modal understanding tasks (open-world detection/segmentation, robotic interaction and digital human) which will provide trustworthy and robust systems for real-world applications.

Dr. Liang serves as Area Chairs of ICCV 2019, CVPR 2020, NeurIPS 2021-2022, WACV 2021, Tutorial Chair (Organization committee) of CVPR 2021, and Ombud Committee of CVPR 2023. She has been awarded the ACM China and CCF Best Doctoral Dissertation Award, the Alibaba DAMO Academy Young Fellow (Top10 under 35 in China), and the ACL 2019 Best Demo paper nomination.

She is named one of the young innovators 30 under 30 by Forbes (China). She and her collaborators have also published the largest human parsing dataset to advance the research on human understanding, and successfully organized four workshops and challenges on CVPR 2017, CVPR 2018, CVPR 2019, CVPR 2020. She also organized ICML 2019 and ICLR 2021 workshops respectively.


Present Visiting Associate Professor, Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence Department of Computer Vision

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Honors and Awards

  • Forbes 30 Under 30 Scientists in China, 2020
  • Shiqingyun Woman Young Fellow 2019
  • Wuwenjun AI Outstanding Young Fellow 2019
  • Alibaba DAMO Academy Young Fellow (Top 10 under 35) 2019
  • UK’s Innovation Foundation Top 20 Women AI scientist, 2019
  • ACM China Best Doctoral Dissertation Award (selected two in china), 2017
  • CCF Best Doctoral Dissertation Award (selected 10 in china),2017
  • NVIDIA Pioneering Research Award on NIPS 2017
  • Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award, 2016
  • National Scholarship, China, 2014-2015
  • Postgraduate Studentship, Sun Yat-sen University, 2011-2014
  • Academic Excellence Award, Sun Yat-sen University, 2007-2011