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Global inequality and athlete labour migration from Kenya
Leisure/Loisir (2010)
  • Wycliffe W Njororai Simiyu, University of Texas at Tyler
This article sets out to contextualize the growing phenomena involving migration of athletes from Kenya to other countries. It is argued that Kenya has made a mark in track athletics at world championships, Olympic and other invitation meets particularly in middle and distance running. But the dominance by Kenyan athletes and the scarcity of talent in other countries that would want to gain international recognition have created a new dispensation. The new dispensation is that of sports labour migration from Africa to the oil-rich but talent-starved countries of the Middle East and other countries keen on raising their international profiles. The unbalanced nature of global wealth and sporting corporate power has created movement of sporting talent from less paying to higher paying clubs and now nations. It is recommended that further research be undertaken to establish the level of satisfaction and acceptance of the immigrant athletes in the new countries.
  • athlete migration,
  • Kenya,
  • globalization,
  • middle and distance running,
  • inequality
Publication Date
Citation Information
Wycliffe W Njororai Simiyu. "Global inequality and athlete labour migration from Kenya" Leisure/Loisir (2010) p. 443 - 461
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