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Research on sports migration: an analysis of methodological procedures
Journal of Physical Education and Sport (2020)
  • J. R. Rojo
  • Wycliffe W Njororai Simiyu, University of Texas at Tyler
  • F. A. Starepravo
The present study aimed at analyzing the knowledge already produced on sports migration at an international level, emphasizing the methodological issues of the cataloged studies. The research was consolidated from a systematized review, which was searched in three databases using the following key words: Sport Migration OR Sport Labor Migration OR Athlete Migration. The search yielded a total of 1192 publications that were reduced to 190 that met the set criteria for the study. As a result, it was established that the production of knowledge about sports migration had a growth in the volume of publications in recent years. In addition, it was found that the journal that published most on the subject was the International Review for the Sociology of Sport. Additionally, the majority of articles were written in the English language. With regard to the research instrument, documentary research and interviews were the most used by researchers in the area. It is concluded that, despite the advances in studies in the area of sports migration, it is believed that expanding the use of empirical data collection methods in new studies would enhance the production and dissemination of knowledge on sports migration.
  • Databases,
  • Scholars,
  • Researchers,
  • Sociology,
  • Research methodology,
  • Studies,
  • Publications,
  • Books,
  • Knowledge
Publication Date
Citation Information
J. R. Rojo, Wycliffe W Njororai Simiyu and F. A. Starepravo. "Research on sports migration: an analysis of methodological procedures" Journal of Physical Education and Sport Vol. 20 Iss. 2 (2020) p. 546 - 553
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