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The Gap in Canadian Police Powers: Canada Needs 'Public Order Policing' Legislation
Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues
  • W. Wesley Pue, Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia
  • Robert Diab
Faculty Author Type
In Memoriam [W. Wesley Pue]
Document Type
Working Paper
Publication Date
  • police; riot; public order; constitution; rights; civil liberties; olympics; constitutionalism

The authors identify a gap in Canadian policing law. Police have neither common law nor statutory authority to undertake the sorts of public order policing measures that are thought to be essential to securing large public events, such as Vancouver's 2010 Olympics. The paper argues for the adoption of a Public Order Policing Act designed to confer the necessary powers and ensure their operation in a manner that respects constitutional law and fundamental civil liberties. Revised and published as W. Wesley Pue & Robert Diab “The Gap in Canadian Police Powers: Canada Needs 'Public Order Policing' Legislation” (2010) 28 Windsor Rev. Legal Soc. Issues 87-107 Posted at

Citation Information
W Wesley Pue & Robert Diab, "The Gap in Canadian Police Powers: Canada Needs 'Public Order Policing' Legislation" [forthcoming in 2009].