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Social Interaction between Hinduism and Muslim Group
Proceedings of the Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2018) (2019)
  • Wulan Purnama Sari, Tarumanagara University
As a multicultural country, Indonesia is very vulnerable to any kind of conflicts. This can be seen from many cases of conflicts that have occurred in recent times, such as conflicts in Poso, Ambon, Lampung, etc. It is precisely, what makes the issue of harmony being discussed lately. Amid the enormous potential for conflict faced by Indonesia, the people in Pegayaman Village Bali managed to live in harmony. People of Pegayaman with majority of Muslims can managed to live in harmony with ethnic Balinese who enclasp Hinduism. The study itself focuses on the interaction between Hindu and Muslim groups, where interaction is the core of communication. This study aims to determine the process and the form of interaction within both groups. The method used in this research is qualitative method with case study approach. Data obtained through indepth interview and observation. The results show that the interaction process occurs mainly due to imitation factor and also sympathy between Muslim and Hindu groups. Then the form of interaction that occurs is associative.
  • social interaction,
  • pegayaman village,
  • integroup communication
Publication Date
Spring March 30, 2019
Dadi Ahmadi, Lilim Halimah, Arba’iyah Satriani, Rabiatul Adwiyah, Alhamuddin, Dwi Agustin Nuriani Sirodj, Andalusia Neneng Permatasari
Atlantis Press
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research
Citation Information
Wulan Purnama Sari. "Social Interaction between Hinduism and Muslim Group" Proceedings of the Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2018) Vol. 307 (2019) p. 49 - 53
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