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Analisis Marxist Iklan PT. Freeport Indonesia Indonesia
E-Proceeding Comicos 2017 (2017)
  • Wulan Purnama Sari, Tarumanagara University
The name of Freeport began to rise at the end of 2015 with the case of "Papa Minta
Saham" which led to the resignation of Setya Novanto as chairman of the House of
Representatives at that time. After that, in 2017 the name of Freeport began to be
discussed again after news about the initial negotiations on contract extension with the
Indonesian government which meets obstacles. Throughout February 2017 Freeport
postedthree (3) advertisements and 1 (one) ads in March in Kompas newspaper, where
the ads show the achievements that have been done by Freeport so far, ranging from the
amount of funds already invested, the amount of labor that has been absorbed, The
resulting fiscal impact, and the amount of spending funds on goods and services. This ad
is exciting because it posts simultaneously with news report of contract renewal cases
with the government in the same month. Arthur Asa Berger writes that there are 4 (four)
media analysis techniques that can be done, one of which is Marxist analysis. This
analysis is carried out using the rationale of Marxist teaching and applying these Marxist
concepts to the public art form created by the media. The author uses this Marxist
analysis as the method used by the authors to analyze the advertisements of Freeport
during February - March 2017 in Kompas newspaper. The author will analyze all four
of Freeport's advertisements using Marxist concepts of thought. The results of this study
through Marxist analysis show how the base concept influences the superstructure, how
the economic system in the Indonesian society affects the institutions and values in
society. It is at this level that capitalism comes to be a base that not only acts as an
economic system but also as something that affects behavior, values, personality types,
and culture in general. In this case, Freeport as the ruling class uses advertising and
mass media as a means of creating a false consciousness and instilling its ideology into
  • Advertising,
  • Capitalist,
  • False Consciousness,
  • Marxist
Publication Date
September 7, 2017
UAJY Yogyakarta
Citation Information
Wulan Purnama Sari. "Analisis Marxist Iklan PT. Freeport Indonesia Indonesia" YogyakartaE-Proceeding Comicos 2017 (2017) p. 342 - 356
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