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Konflik Budaya Dalam Konstruksi Kecantikan Wanita Indonesia (Analisis Semiotika Dan Marxist Iklan Pond’s White Beauty Versi Gita Gutawa)
Jurnal Komunikasi (2015)
  • Wulan Purnama Sari, Tarumanagara University
This study will explore the cultural conflict that is displayed in the advertisements Pond's White Beauty Gita version Velasquez with pretty white theme flushed like Korea. Where this ad makes the construction of beauty in women Indonesia becomes opaque, just for the sake of following the trend that there are women in Indonesia made into a false consciousness of the concept of beauty. This research was conducted by using the method of semiotic analysis and Marxist analysis. The conclusion that can be derived from these studies is advertising Pond's creates a cultural conflict in terms of the meaning of beauty for women in Indonesia. Semiotic analysis shows that advertising Pond's White Beauty featuring stereotypes about the picture of beauty for women in Indonesia. Beautiful woman is a white female Korean people while for the people of Indonesia who have different genetic, it is becoming a benchmark that can not be equated. Pond's ad showing false consciousness, in which Indonesian women can have white skin like Korea only using Pond's products. Based on Marxist analysis can be seen that ad Pond's is made for the benefit of the capitalists, which in this case is the product manufacturer Unilever. Unilever as capitalist hegomon Indonesian women to buy Pond's beauty products using advertising media to create false consciousness in the minds of Indonesian women about the picture of beauty. 
  • : Beauty,
  • Marxist,
  • Flase Consciousness
Publication Date
December, 2015
Citation Information
Wulan Purnama Sari. "Konflik Budaya Dalam Konstruksi Kecantikan Wanita Indonesia (Analisis Semiotika Dan Marxist Iklan Pond’s White Beauty Versi Gita Gutawa)" Jurnal Komunikasi Vol. 7 Iss. 2 (2015) p. 198 - 206 ISSN: 2085-1979
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