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Fraudulent therapies in psychology: The enduring value of science.
Psychology Faculty Research
  • W. Joseph Wyatt, Marshall University
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Therapy is an effort, based upon scientifically derived principles, to optimize the ration of positive-to-negative reinforcers, for the individual and for society. Fraudulent therapies do not derive from scientific principles. Among these are orgone therapy, re-birthing, facilitated communication, recovered memory therapy, alien abduction, and past-life therapy.


The symposium program is available at: Copyright © 2012 the author. All rights reserved.

Citation Information
Wyatt, W. J. (2012, March). Fraudulent therapies in psychology: The enduring value of science. [Presentation slides]. Eighth International Scientific Symposium of the Polish Society for Behavioral Psychology (VIII Miedzynarodowe Sympozjum PTPB), Warsaw, Poland.