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Williams Peprah Poster.pdf
2024 MBAA International Conference (2024)
  • Williams Kwasi Peprah, Andrews University
This study explores the mediating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the relationship between heuristic-based decision-making and investment choices among U.S. investors during the coronavirus capital market crash in 2020. Addressing a gap in knowledge, population, and methodology, the research employs path analysis within a causal design, surveying 500 snowball-sampled investors using a validated, reliability-tested Likert scale. Findings reveal a moderate, partially significant mediation by the COVID-19 pandemic on the positive correlation between heuristics and investment decisions. Specifically, heuristic techniques, which consisted of investors’ calculated guesses based on prior knowledge accounted for 75.6% of the decisions leading to the market crash, substantiating the rational expectations theory. The study recommends the reevaluation of investment strategies considering behavioral biases exposed by the crisis.
  • COVID-19 pandemic,
  • heuristics techniques,
  • investment decision-making,
  • behavioral finance
Publication Date
Spring April 12, 2024
Chicago, Illinois.
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33780.56969
Citation Information
Peprah, W. K. (2024, April). Heuristic-based techniques and investment decision-making as mediated by the COVID-19 pandemic: basis for a model [Poster session]. 2024 MBAA International Conference, Chicago, Illinois. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33780.56969.