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Contribution to Book
Response: A Scary Resurrection
Preaching Conversations with Scholars: The Preacher as Scholar
  • William L. Portier, University of Dayton
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date

With an eye toward reuniting the church and the academy, this book focuses on the role that scholarship can play in making good preachers into really great preachers. This is the bridge between scholarly and popular writing that informs the sermon and makes it more powerful and meaningful for the people who regularly listen to sermons. Preachers are challenged to raise the level of their commitment to scholarship as well as overcome any pre-existing prejudices with scholarship. The preacher as scholar is the perfect way for the pulpit to respond to the challenges of a secular, post-modern world that often wonders if smart people can even believe in God.

Inclusive pages
Document Version
Published Version

Chapter is made available for download by permission of Wipf and Stock Publishers. To acquire the entire volume, see

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Wipf and Stock
Place of Publication
Eugene, OR
Citation Information
William L. Portier. "Response: A Scary Resurrection" Preaching Conversations with Scholars: The Preacher as Scholar (2016)
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